Showing posts with label real sound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label real sound. Show all posts

Sound System Operation For Concert]

Posted by Sate Ayam on Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Operation of the Sound System Rental & Wedding Sound System Rental is a serious ministry and the person who works with the sound must take it seriously. The sound operator should be a dependable person who has a servant’s heart, willing to cooperate and take directions, not touchy or easily offended. He should be a person with a good ear, attention span, and instinctives in working with sound mixing. He should be well trained and knowledgeable with the overall sound operation, as well as familiar with its technical abilities and limitations.

Operation of the sound system has to be rehearsed, just as singers and musicians do. The operator should be present for all rehearsals of the choir, orchestra, drama group, or similar events. He should make a chart of channel volumes and adjustments which sound best in rehearsals so that they can be easily duplicated during a performance. If there is no formal rehearsal for a vocalist or preacher, a “Sound check” must always be conducted sometime prior to a service, in which all mics and equipment are tested, and all sound levels are adjusted and verified. Excessive guesswork and “flying by the seat of your pants” during the service can produce many embarrassing errors which can devastate the sensitive mood of a congregation or hinder their reception of ministry.

As it seems to be in most other aspects of a church, there is a diversity of opinions about how the Sound System Rental & Wedding Sound System Rental should be operated. You will discover that when the volume level is satisfactory for most, there will still be some who cannot hear well and others who will think it’s too loud. Unfortunately, a sound operator cannot always accommodate every hearing sensitivity. All he can do is try to gauge the volume to an acceptable level for the average listener. A sound operator Wedding Sound System should have a “few” selected spotters in the audience that can help him gauge volume levels from different locations, but he should avoid being manipulated by the numerous diverse opinions.

A decibel meter is helpful in gauging volume in a auditorium. But even though the volume levels may be set identically during each service, the perception of loudness Concert Sound System Rental will be affected by the quantity and seating assignments of the persons in attendance. The presence of each person has an effect on the acoustic environment. A larger crowd will require more volume — a smaller attendance will require less volume.

It is best that only one person, such as one of the ministers or church elders, be authorized to direct or overrule the sound operator’s judgment for the auditorium volume. There should be some way to speak to the operator Sound directly by intercom or headsets. The performers obviously should direct the levels of the stage monitors according to their individual preference. An established system of hand signals is generally the best method of communication between the person on stage and the sound operator.

Frequently, demands are placed on a Wedding Sound System which cannot always be delivered. All Concert Sound System Rental have their particular limitations. A sound operator should be able to know and define them to performers and congregation, and should be able to give advice how to maximize their performance with a given system. Consequently, it would be helpful for people to also be willing to try to understand the limitations of a system and accept that an operator cannot always perform miracles.

More info check Sound System Rental - Wedding Sound System Rental - Wedding Sound System - Concert Sound System Rental - Concert Sound System - Sound hanya di

More aboutSound System Operation For Concert]

Tips Membuat Konser Musik Bagian III

Posted by Sate Ayam on Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dalam dunia live Sound Sistem , hampir tidak ada aturan yang benar2 baku...
Konon ada sangat besar faktor2 lain yang sangat menentukan bagaimana semestinya sebuah sistem itu akan dipasang nantinya...
contohnya, sistem indoor untuk Tennis indoor bisa saja sangat berbeda bila Indoor nya adalah Plenary Hall...
belum lagi sistem itu dipasang untuk apa.

Kalo untuk ngadain konser, skrg ngitungnya bukan lagi berdasarkan besaran watt, tapi lebih kepada kemampuan coverage Sound Sistem itu...

kalo dibilang 10 ribu watt, itu terbilang sangat kecil...
Kalo tiap skpeakernya berdaya besar...
contohnya, ada sebuah boks yang outputnya 1200 watt...
dan untuk 10.000 watt, berarti kita hanya memasang sekitar 8 ato 10 boks saja kan..?
kalo di bagi 2, maka tiap sisi cuma ada 4 atau 5 boks (biasanya sih 4, karena akan repot ngitung powernya kalo pakenya 5)lebih baik bertanya pada ahli ny deh di
Sewa Sound...

Jadi leih baik pada kebutuhan...misalnya konsernya dimana, yg maen siapa, dan daya tampungnya berapa ribu orang..

perihal mixer 2....
Memang mixer untuk panggung dan FOH memang mesti dipisah (idealnya)..
MIxer panggung hanya diperuntukkan bagi kebutuhan monitor musisi di panggung, dan mixingnya tergantung keinginan si musisi ada baiknya anda bertanya pada
Sewa Sound Sistem & Sewa Alat Musik ....

kalo mixer FOH (Front Of House)...
itu yg berada di depan panggung (diantara penonton)...
dan mixinging tergantung si FOH Engineer atau si pemilik
Sewa Sound Sistem & Sewa Alat Musik....
Karena tujuannya adalah untuk di dengarkan seluruh pentonton

Beberapa hal yang mungkin kita mesti perhatikan :

1. Lokasi venue
2. Besarnya Venue / ruangan
3. Artis / pendukung acara
4. Siapa yang datang / konsep acara (misal
Alat Pencahayaan seberpa besar juga wattnya)
5. Perletakkan equipment atau
Alat Musik kita (seberapa besar kita ngalah sama dekorasi dan Alat Musik )
5b. Perletakkan yang tidak sesuai kadangkala dapat mengakibatkan kita harus membawa speaker lebih banyak dari seharusnya.
6. terakhir.... duitnya mas hehehehe..... (kalo duitnya kenceng ya bawa banyakan hehehehe.... bcanda mas...)

untuk point 5b. sedikit yang saya bisa jelaskan. Karena secara teknis Speaker punya continuous SPL dan Max SPL dan juga berhubungan dengan dispersion (kalo kata crew gw spreading horisontal x Vertikal) yang akhirnya mempengaruhi coverage area dari sumber suara terhadap penonton, lebih baik
Sewa Sound aja deh..

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More aboutTips Membuat Konser Musik Bagian III