Showing posts with label homeschool curriculums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschool curriculums. Show all posts

Tips home education

Posted by Sate Ayam on Monday, March 23, 2009

Homeschooled children / School Home are not sent to school, they are lead into a better and more fulfilling education by our daily example, by careful productive nurturing, individual tuition and personal attention. Who else knows, understands and loves your child better than you yourself. Consider how well your child already knows you, how quickly and readily they are able to learn from your own experience. Consider how well you are able to tailor your childs education because you know your child better than any teacher possibly could.

Once you start Homeschooling and find a plan that you think you want to follow always be prepared to try and try again, don't always think that it will work the first time round. When children go to school the day is long, which does not mean that they do more than you can cover at home because they spend a lot of time waiting around and going from class to class. Don't stress! There is no right or wrong way. Talk school over with them, ask them what they would really like to do and help them do it.

When starting to Home schooling, don't think you need to go out and spend lots of money on all sorts of expensive and fancy materials. You can begin with a few reading books, paper, pencils, and a desire to enhance your child and of course lots of love.

Learning is second nature to children as is playing and having fun. They love exploring the world around them and examining things that interest them. That is what learning is all about to children following their interests which will continue through life. We have all been through it but it is just a matter of how that interest is nurtured which will show later in life in the outcome of the individual(example : Home Schooling Kak Seto & Home School Kak Seto). Getting together with other homeschoolers is helpful for both parent and child. It is good for children to know that they are not alone in this and that there are other children who are also at home with their parents being educated. Also the parents can gain useful tips from each other.

There will be so many questions shooting through your mind all the time when you first start which is a very normal thing to happen. If you know of another
Home schooling friend, being in contact with them on a regular basis will be good support for you both and also your children will benefit from it too(example : Home Schooling Kak Seto & Home School Kak Seto).

Reading to your children is extremely valuable and it is something you can start from a very early age. Even putting a book with bright colours in front of a newborn baby will enhance his/her little mind. Reading stories or books of interest is also good and enjoyable for you both. Put emphasis on teaching your child to read because it will be so beneficial to both you and your child once they can read because learning other subjects will be so much easier.

Many people think that Home School children loose out socially which is definitely not so.

Children do not need to socialise all the time to become well-adjusted adults. Homeschooled children have good relationships with other children of all ages because they mix with them quite frequently and also they have good relationships with adults and are able to communicate with them well (example homeschooling in indoensia is Homeschooling Kak Seto & School Home Kak Seto).

When giving your children exercises to do in various subjects be there. Don't give them a page of adding numbers and then wonder off to the other side of the house to do housework. Sit with them and be there if needed. That is one of the beauties of Home School, to be able to give them individual attention.

Once School Home has started in the morning, discuss with your child what ideas you have for school that day. See if your child is in favour of them. If not, come to an agreement of what you must cover for that day. Discuss various ways of doing it so that all are happy. Always listen to reason and try not to have stress over it. Try have a plan that suits all needs. Don't think of yourself as the fountain of knowledge.

If you are thinking of Homeschooling and are just waiting for the time to be right, there isn't a right time. Any time is right, provided you are doing it for the right reason, know why you homeschool, and get used to answering the question. "So why do you homeschool.

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Keuntungan dan Kerugian Homeschooling

Posted by gelasbagus

Pendidikan homeschooling seperti school home kak seto sangat penting bagi kita yang ingin menjadi manusia penuh dengan ilmu. Pada dasarnya pendidikan home school adalah proses dimana kita memperoleh ilmu dengan cara apapun itu, dan pendidikan home schooling kak seto tak hanya melulu berhubungan dengan rutinitas sekolah. Pendidikan bisa juga didapat di luar lingkungan sekolah, seperti dirumah, dalam pergaulan dan berinteraksi sebagai mahluk sosial. Hanya saja pendidikan school home yang notabene didapat di bangku sekolah ini, kini sedikit berubah mengikuti kemajuan jaman dan teknologi. Memperoleh pendidikan homeschooling kak seto dan mengikuti kurikulum yang sudah ditentukan oleh pemerintah, tidak harus datang ke sekolah.
Sistem yang kini sedang berkembang di Indonesia yaitu, home schooling (sekolah di rumah) atau istilah lainnya home education atau home-based learning atau home school. Homeschooling ini sebenarnya sama saja dengan menyerahkan tanggung jawab pendidikan school home pada keluarga atau orangtua yang bersangkutan.
Homeschooling yang artinya sendiri adalah belajar di rumah, sudah pasti melakukan kegiatan pendidikan dalam lingkungan rumah. Ini bukan berarti orang tua saja yang mengajari atau mendidik anak-anaknya, mereka bisa memanggil guru privat yang dirasa cocok untuk mata pelajaran tertentu dan juga bisa melalui pengambilan kursus ataupun les, seperti home schooling kak seto.
Keberadaan homeschooling kak seto sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 2003, tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional pasal 27 ayat 1, yang berisikan kegiatan pendidikan informal yang dilakukan oleh keluarga dan lingkungan berbentuk kegiatan belajar secara mandiri.Dengan adanya aturan tersebut, homeschooling kak seto bukan sebuah sistem pendidikan yang dibuat-buat (rekayasa), karena pada dasarnya keluarga memiliki hak dan kewajiban besar dalam membentuk seorang anak menjadi pribadi yang potensial.
Layaknya sebuah sistem pendidikan home schooling kak seto yang tidak biasa, pastinya belajar dengan cara home school kak seto akan ada plus minusnya. Keuntungan home school kak seto adalah si anak akan mendapatkan fokus perhatian penuh karena hanya dia yang diajari tanpa ada siswa lain seperti di sekolah pada umumnya. Dan ini juga akan mengajarkan si anak menjadi pribadi yang mandiri, tidak ada yang bisa dijadikan teman sekelompok, ia harus berusaha mencari tahu sendiri, hal ini akan meningkatkan daya kreativitasnya. Anak homeschooling akan lebih rentan dari pergaulan yang menyimpang, seperti kebiasaan mencontek, tawuran, dan drugs.
Di balik kelebihan tadi, pastinya ada kekurangan yang harus diwaspadai. Hal yang paling ditakutkan dalam homeschooling adalah, kurangnya kemampuan berinteraksi sosial untuk si anak. Karena itu dibutuhkan komitmen yang tinggi orang tua untuk bisa membantu si anak berinterkasi. Setelah homeschooling seperti di school home kak seto, si anak harus diajak bersosialisasi seperti bermain di lingkungan rumah dengan teman sebayanya, ataupun jalan-jalan ke tempat rekreasi sekaligus mengenalkan tentang dunia luar. Hal ini untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan si anak sulit bekerja dalam team work.
Satu hal lagi yang menjadi kekhawatiran sistem homeschooling, yaitu masa depan si anak dalam memperoleh pekerjaan atau profesi. Karena untuk memperoleh pekerjaan, sudah pasti memerlukan ijazah ataupun sertifikat kelulusan, yang menjadi gambaran sejauh mana kemampuan seorang anak memperoleh ilmu selama ia menempuh pendidikan. Tapi dengan semakin berkembangnya homeschooling di Indonesia, anak hasil homeschooling bisa mengikuti ujian kesetaraan paket A, paket B, dan paket C, yang nantinya bisa melanjutkan ke Perguruan Tinggi. (pk-11)

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