Barang Kerajinan Barang Bekas Menghasilkan Profit

Posted by sabuk item on Friday, March 6, 2009

Kain perca yang merupakan limbah di pabrik konveksi ternyata masih bisa dibuat menjadi barang yang cukup punya nilai. Salah satunya dengan handicraft design mengubahnya menjadi kain lap dan bisa berfungsi menjadi souvenir handicraft.

Mengubah design handicraft kain perca menjadi lap sesungguhnya sederhana saja. Bila kain perca masih cukup besar tinggal dipotong sesuai kebutuhan, kemudian dijahit pinggirannya. Kalau potongannya merupakan potongan kecil-kecil, kain perca itu disambung-sambung sehingga menghasilkan ukuran design souvenir yang dikehendaki.

Karena kualitas bahan dan ukuran kain perca itu sangat beragam, kualitas lap dan
design kerajinan yang dihasilkannya pun sangat beragam. Kain lap dari kerajinan barang bekas yang paling mahal adalah yang berwarna putih dan tebal, berukuran 10 cm x 15 cm. Untuk jenis ini harganya bisa mencapai Rp 6.000 per kilogram. Bila bahan barang kerajinannya tidak terlalu tebal, kain lap bisa dibikin dua lapis, namun harganya turun menjadi Rp 3.500 per kilogram. Kelas kerajinan handicraft di bawahnya lagi adalah lap berukuran 5 cm x 15 cm, bahan berbagai warna. Untuk yang berbahan tebal sehingga hanya perlu satu lapisan harganya Rp 2.500 per kilogram, sedangkan yang tipis sehingga perlu dua lapis harganya Rp 1.500 per kilogram. Kesemuanya itu berasal dari barang bekas.

Harga paling rendah jika lap
handicraft design atau souvenir handicraft yang terbuat dari kain perca yang kecil-kecil. Sedemikian kecilnya design handicraft bahkan kebanyakan hanya selebar pita. Karena design souvenir atau design kerajinan tersebut kecil maka kain perca itu dijahit secara melintang. Dengan jahitannya yang lintang melintang sedemikian rupa, kain lap hasil kerajinan barang bekas itu menjadi yang paling tebal namun paling murah harganya, yakni Rp 1.000 per kilogram.

Begitulah di tangan produsen
barang bekas kain lap itu tidak ada potongan perca yang tidak dapat dimanfaatkan. Sekecil apapun tetap diusahakan untuk disambung menjadi kerajinan handicraft seperti kain lap.

Mereka menjual
barang kerajinan kain lap itu antara lain ke pabrik-pabrik yang memiliki alat berat untuk proses produksi. Gunanya untuk membersihkan alat berat itu agar tetap cemerlang. Selain itu juga biasa dijual ke produsen mebel kayu, yakni untuk memelitur mebel-mebel kayu tersebut. Seluruh data dan perhitungan ini disadur dari Tabloid Kontan.

Temukan informasi lainnya mengenai Handicraft Design - Souvenir Handicraft - Design Handicraft - Design Souvenir - Design Kerajinan - Kerajinan Barang Bekas - Barang Bekas - Kerajinan Handicraft - Barang Kerajinan hanya di Handicraft Design & Souvenir Handicraft : Kerajinan Barang Bekas Jakarta

More aboutBarang Kerajinan Barang Bekas Menghasilkan Profit

Significance of Blue Roses

Posted by FlowerAdvisor

he beautiful blue rose, in reality, does not exist. Nature has it that roses, lack the particular pigmentation that is needed to produce the colour blue. As such, alternative methods have been thought of to “create” a blue rose.

This normally means that a white rose is cut prematurely, and dipped into blue dye, thus gradually turning the petals blue.

For years, florists all over have searched for a true blue rose, but to no avail. The quest for the absolute blue rose has been compared to the Christian hunt for the Holy Grail. As such, the blue rose is considered to be the Holy Grail of the rose world.

This association wraps the blue rose in an aura of mystery – which is the main significance of blue roses.

Let's learn more about these enigmatic flowers, before you make a choice out of the great variety of blue rose arrangement here at FlowerAdvisor.

Symbol of mystery
The very ‘existence' of blue roses is indeed a mystery in itself, because as mentioned earlier, they are not supposed to exist! The fact that their appearance (albeit through unnatural methods) defies the course of nature makes them mysterious and ambiguous.

This mysteriously vague quality of blue roses is accentuated by the fact that blue roses that we have today aren't real. Their existence is purely fabricated, and this makes them even more mysterious and even creates a sense of surrealism.

In short, blue roses can symbolize an appreciation for all things enigmatic.

Symbol of the impossible & unattainable
Blue roses are such a rare sight in nature, so much so it does not exist. A beautiful and perfect blue rose that is searched for by all, but it still remains a dream; a fantasy.

Therefore, blue roses symbolize something that is impossible to achieve; something that is unattainable that will only remain a dream that can never be realized.

In love, a blue rose can represent a hope for a love that is impossible or unrequited. In that way, it can also signify a hope for a miracle to happen.

Symbol for new opportunities & possibilities
Blue roses also signify new beginnings. The excitement for the untold beginnings of a new venture is often expressed with blue roses. In a way, blue roses can also represent caution; the need to tread carefully in new territories that is still much unknown.

About The Author
This article is written by Nuraishah from Streetdirectory Singapore.

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Significance of Pink Roses

Posted by FlowerAdvisor

When you look at a pink rose, you will feel a surge of happiness and pure delight that can only be explained by the flawless and delicate beauty of it.

Pink roses are a pleasure to look at, boast a heavenly smell and have a depth of meaning behind its demure exterior.

Although roses in general can be used to express varying degrees of love and gratitude, the pink rose is the most dominant in symbolizing these attributes.

We have an excellent spread of pink roses here at FlowerAdvisor. It would be useful and interesting to note the true significance behind the delicate pink rose.

Pink roses in mythology
It is said in Greek mythology that after unfairly attaining the right to be the protector of women, Rhoanthe was turned into a pink rose by the God Apollo. In view of this circumstance, pink roses were said to have symbolized pain, extreme suffering and even death.

However, as time goes on, the meaning behind pink roses has evolved significantly.

Modern meaning of pink roses
Today, pink roses no longer have negative connotations to them. The pink rose is now a symbol of a new romance that has yet to bloom into full passion. Pink roses can also be used to signify joy and sweet affection, as well as wishing luck upon others.

Graceful and elegant, pink roses can be divided into two categories – light pink roses and dark pink roses.

It is said that light pink roses symbolizes gentleness and admiration and they can also be used to express sympathy.

Dark pink roses however are the very symbols of gratitude and appreciation. It is said that by tradition, dark pink roses were sent as an expression of thanks.

The pink rose – Symbol of motherly love
It is interesting to note that the most traditional connotation of pink roses is of a mother's love for her child. A story has it that when Mary first saw her son Jesus carrying the cross to which he would later be crucified, she shed a tear.

That tear fell on the barren ground and from that very tear, grew the very first and most perfect pink rose.

Perhaps, this is why in the Talmud, it is written that only pink roses are allowed to bloom in Jerusalem and as a result, pink roses have come to be a symbol of paradise as well.

About The Author
This article is written by Nuraishah from Streetdirectory Singapore.

Popular Search Tags: Flower Flowers Gift Basket Gifts Plants Presents Floral Baskets Bouquet
Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting

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