How Do I Make My Dozen Roses Look Right?

Posted by FlowerAdvisor on Friday, March 6, 2009

When I first started to design flowers I often heard how designers had difficulty making a dozen roses look nice. That it was hard to keep the roses in place. But it is really very easy to do if you know a few simple basics.

1) First prepare the rose by taking off the bottom half of the leaves and popping off the thorns. Most people prefer the thorns off but as much as possible I leave the thorns on.

This is because taking them off can leave open wounds and may allow microbial bacteria to enter and shorten the life of the flower.

2) Cut the rose stem slantwise under water (so they don't get an air pocket that prevents them from drinking) and place in small bucket or vase that has warm water and flower food.

3) Make sure you have the right size vase. Too small and you'll have them all standing up straight and it will look funny. Too big and you'll have way too much space to fill in. This may sound like common sense but believe me; all beginning designers have made this mistake.

There are two ways that I have found to be the best:

a) Fill a vase with water ¾ of the way full. Take your greens (usually leather leaf) and start putting them in the vase starting from the outside all around and moving inward. The greens should be crisscrossing themselves. This gives a good stiff base for the roses to be able to stand without flopping.


b) Take a dry vase and clear floral tape. You can get this at a craft store and it is very sticky and water proof. Use this tape at the top of the vase by making a grid. You should leave enough room to allow the stem and greens to pass through. Fill the vase with water and flower food and start putting your greens in, same as before, start inserting from outside towards the inside stems crossing each other. The advantage to using the grid is you can use fewer greens. Now you are ready to place the roses in.

In most floral designing you design from the outside inward. But for roses I prefer the opposite. I start with what I call the anchor rose. I take my longest stem and stick it right in the middle. If you have done your greening correctly, is should stand straight up. Place the next 4 roses in around the first rose but slightly shorter. Continue in this fashion until all roses have been placed. Now stand back and look at it to see if you need to make any adjustments. Then place in the filler of your choice such as baby's breath. Finish with a bow and enjoy your creation.

There are many ways to place the roses but remember, keep it simple. Don't make it complicated. There is a beautiful motivational print called Beauty-White Magnolia that says, “Appreciate Simplicity”. That's my motto.


About The Author

This article is written by Willie Jones and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia. Willie Jones is a freelance writer, researcher, floral designer, and artist, for Art Inspires, Inc.

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More aboutHow Do I Make My Dozen Roses Look Right?

The Meaning Of A Single Rose

Posted by FlowerAdvisor

Many feelings can be expressed by flowers, and this non-verbal language is very popular nowadays. Each one of us has sent at least one message to someone with the help of a flower. Sometimes whole conversations between two lovers are spoken through flowers. The most meaningful flower of all is considered to be the red rose. A single red rose is now usually used to send a message of love. There are also many messages that can be sent through single roses, like :
  • A single white rose is used by someone that wants to say 'I'm sorry' to his/her significant other. It also has some other meanings. Since medieval times, white roses are considered to be a symbol of light, purity and innocence. So sending a single white rose may also mean that you consider that person to be pure, or that your love is very pure.
  • A single yellow rose expresses happiness and love. Sending a single yellow rose to your other half means that you are happy with your love and relationship. But be careful because single yellow roses have two meanings! They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you are jealous. The best thing to do is to attach a note to the rose, explaining exactly what you mean.
  • A single peach rose is used to send a message of friendship to a best friend or even to a lover.
  • A single purple rose expresses beauty. So if you want to tell someone he/she is beautiful send him/her a single purple rose.
  • A single pink rose is an elegant way of thanking someone because this is what pink roses transmit: gratitude.
  • Finally, a single black rose says 'it is over'. This is a way of ending a relationship - sending a single black rose together with a note.
But, as mentioned before, the single red rose is considered to be the most beautiful and romantic. Even from the ancient roman times, lovers give each other red roses. In those times, roses were the symbol of the Roman goddess Venus, the goddess of love, so ever since then a single red rose clearly states 'I love you'.

Also the red rose petals are used to symbolize love, and to create a romantic atmosphere. They can be left to float in the bath tub, or simply spread throughout the house or near the fireplace. If your lover is away, you can add some rose petals to your letters.

Red roses have been a continuous source of inspiration for artists everywhere and thousands of paintings and poems have been written inspired by roses or by a single red rose. It has been said that a single red rose speaks volumes, so choose the finest rose and send it to someone you love now.

About The Author

This article is written by Groshan Fabiola and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.

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More aboutThe Meaning Of A Single Rose

Since ancient times, roses are considered to be the symbol of love and for centuries, giving someone a rose has been considered a beautiful gesture. B

Posted by FlowerAdvisor

Many feelings can be expressed by flowers, and this non-verbal language is very popular nowadays. Each one of us has sent at least one message to someone with the help of a flower. Sometimes whole conversations between two lovers are spoken through flowers. The most meaningful flower of all is considered to be the red rose. A single red rose is now usually used to send a message of love. There are also many messages that can be sent through single roses, like :
  • A single white rose is used by someone that wants to say 'I'm sorry' to his/her significant other. It also has some other meanings. Since medieval times, white roses are considered to be a symbol of light, purity and innocence. So sending a single white rose may also mean that you consider that person to be pure, or that your love is very pure.
  • A single yellow rose expresses happiness and love. Sending a single yellow rose to your other half means that you are happy with your love and relationship. But be careful because single yellow roses have two meanings! They can also express jealousy, so sending someone one can mean that you are jealous. The best thing to do is to attach a note to the rose, explaining exactly what you mean.
  • A single peach rose is used to send a message of friendship to a best friend or even to a lover.
  • A single purple rose expresses beauty. So if you want to tell someone he/she is beautiful send him/her a single purple rose.
  • A single pink rose is an elegant way of thanking someone because this is what pink roses transmit: gratitude.
  • Finally, a single black rose says 'it is over'. This is a way of ending a relationship - sending a single black rose together with a note.
But, as mentioned before, the single red rose is considered to be the most beautiful and romantic. Even from the ancient roman times, lovers give each other red roses. In those times, roses were the symbol of the Roman goddess Venus, the goddess of love, so ever since then a single red rose clearly states 'I love you'.

Also the red rose petals are used to symbolize love, and to create a romantic atmosphere. They can be left to float in the bath tub, or simply spread throughout the house or near the fireplace. If your lover is away, you can add some rose petals to your letters.

Red roses have been a continuous source of inspiration for artists everywhere and thousands of paintings and poems have been written inspired by roses or by a single red rose. It has been said that a single red rose speaks volumes, so choose the finest rose and send it to someone you love now.

About The Author

This article is written by Groshan Fabiola and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.

Popular Search Tags: Flower Flowers Gift Basket Gifts Plants Presents Floral Baskets Bouquet
Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting
More aboutSince ancient times, roses are considered to be the symbol of love and for centuries, giving someone a rose has been considered a beautiful gesture. B