Showing posts with label massage therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label massage therapy. Show all posts

Massage Saloon Tips

Posted by Sate Ayam on Thursday, July 30, 2009

A massage is supposed to be a soothing, relaxing experience. So why do so many people arrive at 1:30 for a 1:30 massage? You should be in your robe already! And if you arrive late, in a frenzied state, you might as well have not come. Get there early is the most important tip for enjoying your massage. But there are plenty more. (hint -- don't eat a big sausage sub right before you get there, and be sure to speak up if you don't like the pressure. Here are some tips adapted from the american massage therapy association to help you enjoy your massage.

Be receptive. Don't eat just before a massage session.
Be on time. If you arrive in a frenzied, rushed state, it will take longer to relax.

If you don't want to remove all your clothing, discuss it with the full massage girl therapist. Wear what you will be comfortable in that will allow the massage girl therapist to work on the areas of your body that need it.

Good communication is very important. Before the session of full massage girl, give accurate health information and let the massage therapist know what you want from the massage service. During the massage session, speak up if you have any feedback on the amount of pressure, speed of movement, room temperature, music volume, or lighting. Some people like to talk during a massage service session, while others remain silent. In general you should do whatever you feel like, and the massage therapist will follow your lead.
Breathing helps to facilitate relaxation. People often stop breathing when they feel anxious or a sensitive area is massage girl service. If you realize this is happening, remind yourself to breath.
Try not to tighten up during the massage. Let your full massage therapist know if this is happening. They may need to adjust the full massage technique being used. They may also be able to help you relax the affected area.

If you find your thoughts are racing during the massage girl service, one way to be more "body-centered" and to quiet the mind is to follow the hands of the massage therapist and focus on how the touch feels.

If anything happens during the massage that you dislike or seems improper, you have the right to ask the massage therapist to stop. If necessary, you also have the right to end the session. If you are dizzy or light headed after the massage, do not get off the table too fast.

Drink extra water after a massage.

Dukung kampanye
stop dreaming start action sekarang

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Private Man Practices Massage Therapist Jobs

Posted by Sate Ayam on Monday, July 27, 2009

Practice private massage therapist jobs are available for educated and licenced private massage therapists. Before you decide on this career adventure, contact an accredited facility such as cortiva institute to find out if it's the right career for you. In private practice massage therapist jobs, there is an entrepreneurial desire to build strong clientele relationships, maintain innovation in services and continuing education, and to hone your business skills. Private practice massages or massage therapist jobs are often run by licensed massage therapists who want to go into the business of running and maintaining a business clinic. You can choose to own your own private massages or massage practice or work underneath a private practice owner. Often, many massage therapists will work together under one roof, sharing the expense of leasing and equipment fees. This is considered a private practice co-operative, where each private massages therapist is responsible for his or her own business, but can also help and rely on the others.

Private practice private massages therapist jobs are best suited for people interested in the business end of clinical ownership. This includes advertising, customer service, bookkeeping, overhead, and maintaining city business licences.

Dukung kampanye
stop dreaming start action sekarang

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Terapi Telinga atau Ear Candle

Posted by Sate Ayam on Monday, April 27, 2009

Apa saja yang dibutuhkan?

Menurut Susana alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk
Therapy Candle, Candle Therapy & Ear Candle Therapy antara lain; earwax (sebuah corong berdiameter kurang lebih 1,5 cm, yang terbuat daru sarang lebah, kain linen kualitas tinggi, chamomile, dan sage). Alat lain adalah tatakan lilin yang dilubangi, untuk mencegah serpihan corong yang dibakar masuk ke telinga. Dua alat ini merupakan piranti utama Therapy Candle, Candle Therapy & Ear Candle Therapy. Alat lain yang dibutuhkan adalah alat untuk meneropong kondisi telinga, yang bermanfaat untuk melihat apakah di dalam telinga ada infeksi/radang, bisul atau jamur.

Bagaimana terapi bekerja?
Ada dua peristiwa fisika yang terlibat pada
Ear Medicine Therapy:
1. Pembakaran secara perlahan-lahan menurunkan tekanan udara di dalam earcandle dan getaran yang menyalurkan udara hangat memberi sensasi hingga ke dalam telinga. Sensasi hangat ini masuk hingga ke dalam lubang telinga.2. Di dalam telinga, kehangatan menstimulasi pembuluh darah, membangkitkan sistem imun dan memperkuat jaringan limfa. Dan pada saat bersamaan, titik-titik akupuntur secara refleks terstimulasi.Akibat perbedaan tekanan ini, kotoran telinga akan terangkat ke atas, membentuk alur yang memanjang. Berbagai macam unsur bisa turut terangkat bersama kotoran, misalnya saja jamur (berwarna keputihan).

Dalam praktek
Ear Medicine, berbagai masalah kesehatan yang bermuara pada bagian kepala khususnya organ pendengaran, bisa diatasi dengan Therapy Product, Ear Candle, Therapy Medicine & Ear Product
. Selain yang tersebut di atas, juga sakit kepala, otitis eternal, dan sinusitis. Bahkan pada banyak kasus, vertigo dapat dieliminasi berkat ECT.

Anak-anak hingga orangtua
Mereka yang mendatangai klinik
Ear Therapy
sangat bervariasi usianya, mulai dari kanak-kanak, remaja hingga orang lanjut usia. Orangtua yang membawa anak mereka, paling banyak mengeluhkan tentang masalah pendengaran anak. Biasanya hal ini diketahui manakala si anak bermasalah dalam pelajaran di sekolah. Demikian juga pada orangtua yang datang karena mengeluh kurang pendengaran. "Keliru bila ada yang berpendapat bahwa berkurangnya pendengaran wajar terjadi pada mereka yang telah lanjut usia. Banyak mereka yang datang ke sini berusia di atas 70 tahun dan merasakan perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah terapi," kata Susana yang sehari bisa kedatangan 7-9 orang.

Karena begitu bervariasinya usia yang datang, Susana menyediakan earwax diameter kecil untuk anak, dan yang berdiameter lebih besar untuk dewasa. Sementara panjang
Ear Therapy
sama yakni sekitar 20 cm.

Menina bobokkan
Anak-anak yang lebih ekcil biasanya kurang kooperatif, namun percayalah bahwa setelah terapi berjalan, mereka seperti dinina-bobokkan, lalu tertidur dengan nyenyaknya. Menurut Susana ini terjadi karena sensasi hangat yang diberikan panas lilin, juga efek
Therapy Product, Ear Candle, Therapy Medicine & Ear Product
dari chamomile dan sage. Tentu saja bukan hanya anak kecil yang bisa tertidur, orang dewasa pun kerap terlelap saat terapi.

Lama terapi
Berapa banyak earwax yang digunakan tergantung kasus, jika hanya untuk membersihkan dibutuhkan dua earwax untuk masing-masing telinga atau kata lain satu organ butuh empat earwax. Namun untuk kasus agar berat, misalnya saja, kotoran membatu atau vertigo bisa dibutuhkan enam earwax.

Temukan info dan manfaat terapi telinga di
Ear Therapy | Ear Medicine | Therapy Product | Ear Candle | Therapy Medicine | Ear Product | Therapy Candle | Candle Therapy | Ear Candle Therapy dan Ear Therapy Product : Ear Therapy Candle & Ear Therapy Medicine Kalimalang Jakarta Timur pada
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