Selain membuat wajah terlihat lebih segar, make up artists blush on juga dapat membantu mengoreksi bentuk wajah sehingga akan menutupi kekurangan wajah. Bagi anda yang memiliki bentuk wajah oval, hati, bulat, lonjong atau persegi, cobalah langkah-langkah [...]
Showing posts with label make up artist job. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make up artist job. Show all posts
Home » Posts filed under make up artist job
Perona Pipi Berdasarkan Tipe Wajah Oval
Posted by Sate Ayam on Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More about → Perona Pipi Berdasarkan Tipe Wajah Oval
Memilih Profesional Makeup Artist
Posted by gelasbagus on Tuesday, April 28, 2009
SEMUA perempuan tentu ingin tampil cantik dan memukau pada salah satu momen spesial dalam hidupnya seperti hari pertunangan. Bingung bagaimana caranya? Tak usah khawatir, berikut ini media perempuan akan berikan beberapa tip agar Anda terlihat berkilau [...]
Night Wedding Makeup
Posted by gelasbagus on Wednesday, April 15, 2009
As we become more aware of our environment and more aware of the make up artists products that we are putting into and onto our bodies, natural and homeopathic products are taking the cosmetic industry by storm. It's likely you've noticed new skincare [...]