The definition of air cargo logistic services is simple. It is simply the extra advantages that a cargo transportation service will offer to their customers. Many air cargo logistic services companies have a large list of services that they offer, depending [...]
Showing posts with label cargo tracking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cargo tracking. Show all posts
Home » Posts filed under cargo tracking
Target Bisnis Kargo
Posted by gelasbagus on Thursday, July 9, 2009
Garuda Indonesia menargetkan market sharenya di bisnis cargo shipment dalam negeri bisa naik dari 47% pada 2008 menjadi 52% di 2009. Upaya mendongkrak market share international cargo shipment ini dilakukan dengan meluncurkan layanan kargo international [...]
Bisnis Terhitung Cerah
Posted by gelasbagus on Monday, June 8, 2009
Pakar logistik dari Singapura, Ramlee Ibrahim Phd CIRM CSCP, mengatakan, potensi bidang cargo shipment di Indonesia terhitung cerah namun terkendala oleh sulitnya mengurus pengiriman international cargo shipment yang dilakukan oleh investor. "Seperti [...]
Freight Logistic Service Tips
Posted by Sate Ayam
The definition of air Logistic Service & Cargo Logistic is simple. It is simply the extra advantages that a Logistic Service & Cargo Logistic transportation service will offer to their customers. If a company is responsible for transporting passengers, [...]