Showing posts with label beauty products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty products. Show all posts

Alpukat Untuk Perawatan Kulit

Posted by gelasbagus on Friday, June 19, 2009

Cara yang saya terangkan adalah cara alami. Dari bahan-bahan tumbuhan. Mari kita simak.1. Jeruk nipis untuk skin whitening product. Buah ini terkenal sebagai penghilang bau amis atau campuran penyedap makanan. Tapi sebenarnya air Jeruk Nipis untuk skin [...]
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Beauty With Modern Makeup

Posted by gelasbagus on Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is modern beauty glamour? Modern beauty glamour implies the ways to modify your look and give them a modern look. There are many technique makeup things that account for in case of modern glamour. Makeup modern and modern glamour consists of various [...]
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