Flowers For Your Wedding Day Hairstyle

Posted by FlowerAdvisor on Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weddings are said to be the most important event in bride as well as groom's life. Brides are often seen fretting and fumbling over the best style that suits them due to the number of options to choose from. And what better way there is to choose a style than to include the flowers in the hairstyle as it provides both conventional as well as an exclusive approach.

Brides have been wearing flowers incorporated into their hairstyles for thousands of years. The early brides often wore simple clothing, but dressed up their treasured locks with buds and blooms from fragrant flowers. Often, these living tokens were symbols of good luck and prosperity.

Using simple flowers in a hairstyle works out to be much less expensive than choosing a costly headpiece or veil. So, if you are on a tight budget, don't add up extra expenses. Just get some beautiful stems and ask your hairstylist to include these blooms into your style.

It is always wise that your hairstyle should match the theme of your wedding, so give a close look at your dress and think what suits you more. Try to use few flowers so that the buds add grace to your marvelous face and not hide it. It is advisable to go in for trials before so that your hairstylist is able to give you that "oh, so perfect" look.

If you're going for an informal wedding, you may want to incorporate flowers in your wedding theme. Some brides use entire wreaths or combs of flowers in their hair to present that personal and informal touch. This is really beautiful during the spring or summer when the air is rich with fragrance and flowers are in abundance.

Consider incorporating flowers into your bridesmaids' hair as well as your own. Instead of carrying a traditional bouquet, have your maids or matrons don a headdress of fresh flowers that match your theme and colors. Many brides have used this option and found the results are simply stunning. Also, do not forget your flower girl when planning flower decorated hairstyles. Often, young girls wear a halo of blooms in addition to carrying a basket of petals.

Just picture the scene when you're throwing the ring of flowers instead of a traditional bouquet. This sure is an unusual way to lend that personal touch to the ceremony. Once you have decided on wearing a veil then either the flower can be included in the headpiece or even made a part of the veil. This will result in a beautiful and gorgeous you.

There are a numbers of ideas when it comes to incorporating the flowers to your hairstyle. Whatever may be your chosen and desired look, it can be easily achieved with these splendid blooms. You can find a style to call your own from any of the books and magazines giving basic knowledge on this. You can also access the Internet for more detailed information. Choose to radiate in all the beauty showered upon you by these beautiful flowers.

About The Author
This article by Ngo Franz and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.
More aboutFlowers For Your Wedding Day Hairstyle

Using Fake Flower For Your Wedding

Posted by FlowerAdvisor

ust like the cost of everything else, the cost of having a wedding is skyrocketing. This is no surprise to anyone who has been recently involved in a wedding, and it is certainly no surprise to someone who is currently involved, in any way, with a wedding. If you are looking for ways to cut costs, one of the best ways is to do so by using silk flowers instead of real flowers for your wedding.

Wedding flowers can start to get pricey, especially if you want to use roses, lilies, or flowers that are out of season. Having them arranged is also an expensive proposition. By using silk flowers, however, you can cut your floral costs by between $100 and $800, depending on how many flowers, and what kinds of flowers, you were planning to use. Opt to do the table arrangements of your flowers, keeping them simple, and you can cut your flower related wedding costs by another $100 to $300. Some people save as much as $1,000 or more just by going with the fake flowers and doing most of the arrangements themselves.

Silk wedding flowers often look as good as the real thing. It is impossible to tell the difference from far away, and even up close, a good fake flower looks very nice. Your wedding can still retain all of its elegance when you use silk wedding flowers. And you will likely get a better price on a variety of flowers, especially roses, if you choose fake flowers. Most floral shops offer silk flower arrangements, and you can visit your regular florists and look at fake floral bouquets, boutonnières, and corsages. Additionally, you can ask about buying individual flowers or small table arrangements. It is also possible to have large arrangements made and delivered to the wedding or reception location using fake flowers (but keeping the arrangements small and simple so you can pick them up will save you more money).

The other advantage of using silk wedding flowers is their staying power. In today's more mobile world, chances are that you will need to have more than one reception (so that you can have some sort of celebration with both sides of the family). Real flowers are pretty much done after one use. They wilt and brown. Fake flowers remain fresh-looking and attractive, so you do not have to buy the flowers all over again at the next reception or open house. Additionally, they will keep forever. All you have to do is keep them dusted. No frustration or expensive processes to preserve your wedding bouquet. You can easily cherish your wedding bouquet, keeping it looking as beautiful as the day you wed, long after the last piece of frozen wedding cake has been eaten.

Silk wedding flowers can be a great way to make an elegant expression without spending a great deal of money. If you are looking for ways to have a wedding on a budget, using fake wedding flowers is a great way to cut costs.

About The Author
This article is written by Charles Kassotis and edited by Sophia from Streetdirectory Malaysia.
More aboutUsing Fake Flower For Your Wedding

Menggambar Manga Bagi Pemula

Posted by malamjumat on Wednesday, March 4, 2009

1. Langkah pertama mulailah mencari referensi buku komik yang akan digambar, karena mencontoh gambar termasuk gambar kartun yang sudah ada lebih mudah daripada harus membuat gambar atau lukis gambar sendiri.

2. Sebelum kita mulai lukis gambar siapkan peralatan gambar terlebih dahulu kertas kosong, pensil dan penghapus. Nah.. kalau semuanya sudah siap mari kita mulai menggambar.

3. Mulai melukis gambar kartun wajah salah satu tokoh komik favorit Anda dengan cara perlahan-lahan. Sekedar saran gambarlah tokoh komik yang kira-kira mudah untuk di gambar misalnya Doraemon atau Sincan.

4. Gambarlah dengan perlahan-lahan (lukis kartun perlahan) dan tidak perlu khawatir bila hasil gambarnya tidak mirip dengan komiknya, namanya juga baru belajar menggambar.

5. Usahakan dalam setiap menggambar wajah dari tokoh komik / lukis kartun tsb dilakukan sampai selesai. Gambarlah wajah tokoh komik tersebut secara berulang-ulang sehingga kira-kira mirip dengan di komiknya.

6. Kemudian gambar tokoh komik tersebut tanpa harus melihat buku komik. Mungkin gambar yang dihasilkan tidak mirip dengan aslinya, jadi teruslah belajar melukis, ada yang ikut les melukis tapi tergantung pribadi masing-masing. Namun yang paling penting anda sudah mengetahui ciri-ciri khusus pada gambar tokoh komik tersebut.

7. Gambarlah wajah tokoh tersebut dalam posisi yang berbeda, misalnya gambar dari arah samping atau depan. Lakukan hal ini berulang-ulang, kemudian gambar tokoh komik tersebut tanpa harus melihat buku komik.Semakin sering latihan melukis semakin bagus dan bisa seperti belajar di sanggar lukis, kursus melukis, les melukis.

8. Sebagai catatan, jangan dulu berpindah untuk menggambar tokoh komik yang lain, karena itu akan merusak konsentrasi anda dalam menggambar. Ini bisa juga diterapkan di les melukis, belajar melukis.

9. Jika Anda sudah dapat menggambar wajah tanpa harus melihat buku komik. Belajar di sanggar melukis bisa saja menerapkan hal seperti ini. Selanjutnya cobalah untuk mengganti ekspresi wajah tokoh komik tersebut, misalnya gambar ekspresi wajah yang sedang marah, sedih atau ekspresi wajah gembira.

10. Ikuti langkah demi langkah point-point yang ada diatas. Mungkin dengan sering belajar melukis sendiri, kemampuan kita bisa sama bahkan bisa melebihi di tempat sanggar lukis, kursus melukis, les melukis, dll.

Temukan informasi lainnya mengenai Sanggar Lukis, Les Lukis, Sanggar Melukis, Lukis Gambar, Lukis Kartun, Gambar Kartun, Les Melukis, Belajar Melukis, Kursus Melukis hanya di Sanggar Lukis & Gambar Kartun:Les Lukis | Belajar & Kursus Melukis Jakarta Utara & Tangerang pada
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