Tips Melacak Bakteri Dalam Air Isi Ulang

Posted by Sate Ayam on Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Apakah air minum isi ulang bisa langsung diminum?
Pada prinsipnya, Air Minum Isi Ulang yang banyak dijual itu layak dikonsumsi. Tapi, yang aman diminum adalah yang kualitasnya sudah diperiksa oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten atau Kotamadya Setempat.
Intinya, Air Minum yang layak diminum harus melewati 3 persyaratan kelaikan, yaitu dari segi fisik, kimia, dan mikrobiologi. Jika standar tersebut sudah terpenuhi, depo tersebut akan diberikan sertifikat izin dari Dinas Kesehatan tersebut.

Nah, agar tidak ragu, sebaiknya minta diperlihatkan sertifikat tersebut sebelum membeli Air Minum Isi Ulang. Perhatikan juga masa waktu berlakunya, karena izin ini tidak berlaku selamanya. Tiap 6-12 bulan depo harus memeriksakan produknya.

Bisakah air minum mengandung bakteri dapat dilihat secara kasat mata?

Tidak bisa. Untuk mengetahui apakah ada bakteri dalam Air Minum memang harus diteliti di laboratorium. Tapi, Anda bisa mendeteksi secara fisik apakah air layak diminum. Dari segi fisik, air minum tak boleh memiliki bau, rasa, dan warna (harus jernih).

Melalui tes laboratorium dapat diteliti dari segi kimia. Air minum harus bebas dari kandungan zat kimia berbahaya, seperti logam berat (air raksa atau merkuri (Hg), timbal (Pb) dan Au) aluminium, besi, serta klorida.

Sedangkan, dari segi mikrobiologi, air minum tidak boleh mengandung bakteri-bakteri patogen (bersifat racun sehingga dapat menimbulkan penyakit). Bakteri yang tergolong patogen adalah E.coli, Salmonella typhii, dan sejenisnya. Karena telah mendapatkan proses sterilisasi, harusnya AMIU dapat langsung dikonsumsi.

Apa bahayanya mengonsumsi air minum yang telah terkontaminasi bakteri E. coli?
Kehadiran bakteri coliform (E.coli tergolong jenis bakteri ini) yang banyak ditemui di kotoran manusia dan hewan menunjukkan kualitas sanitasi yang rendah dalam proses pengadaan air.

Makin tinggi tingkat kontaminasi bakteri coliform, makin tinggi pula risiko kehadiran bakteri patogen, seperti bakteri Shigella (penyebab muntaber), S. typhii (penyebab tifus), kolera, dan disentri.

Oleh karena itu, Isi Ulang Air Minum, Air Reverse Osmosis harus bebas dari semua jenis bakteri coliform dan bakteri lain yang bersifat patogen yang dapat menyebabkan diare, diare berdarah, kram perut, dan rasa mual.

Jadi, bagaimana agar tetap aman mengonsumsi air minum isi ulang?

Perhatikan sanitasi botol kemasan dari Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang, Depot Air Minum. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
- Cuci botol kemasan dari Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang, Depot Air Minum dengan sabun pembersih alat dapur yang tidak beraroma. Tujuannya agar tidak mempengaruhi rasa air yang akan diisi nanti.

- Setelah bersih dari air sabun, bilas botol dengan air panas (suhu 80 derajat Celcius).

- Lalu, tutup botol Isi Ulang Air Minum, Air Reverse Osmosis dengan rapat dengan plastik bersih. Buka tutup tersebut, tepat sebelum botol diisi air minum isi ulang, sehingga debu tidak mudah masuk.

Selain itu, lakukan usaha-usaha desinfeksi sendiri di rumah, misalnya rebus air minum isi ulang tersebut di atas api hingga mendidih selama minimum 2 menit.


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Significance of White Roses

Posted by FlowerAdvisor on Friday, March 6, 2009

White roses are the ultimate symbol of purity and innocence. It gives a wonderful feeling of po siti ve vibes, peace and tranquility. Its pristine exterior reflects the beauty and dignified meaning that it holds. Being one of the more popular roses (apart from the Queen of Roses – the Glamorous Red Rose), the White Rose, an understated and modest beauty holds great significance and is a symbol for interesting concepts which will be covered in this article.

At FlowerAdvisor, we offer a wonderful collection of delectable and absolutely beautiful white roses. Let's discover more about the Virtuous White Rose before you make that important choice, shall we?

The white rose in myths and legends
There are plenty of myths and legends behind the white rose. As one myth has it, the first rose on Earth was a white rose, and it miraculously transformed to other hues. The pure white rose was said to have been tainted by blood, making it red; and it was also made to blush from a kiss, making it pink.

Another myth came from the Ancient Greeks. It was said that roses were originally white until one day Aphrodite the Goddess of Love and Beauty pricked herself with the thorns of a rose. The blood that dripped from her finger turned the white roses red.

These myths indicate the loss of innocence, which is the absolute opposite of what the white rose symbolizes – innocence and purity.

White roses as symbol of purity & marriage
The white rose is known as the traditional wedding flower and as such, it signifies pureness of a newly formed bond between lovers.

The tradition of brides carrying a bouquet of white roses was started in 1840, at the wedding of Queen Victoria. During this momentous occasion, white roses were used abundantly throughout the ceremony. Since then, the tradition was formed and passed on through generations.

Brides carry a bouquet of white roses during their wedding ceremony to indicate their purity, virginity and innocence.

That being said, white roses also state the reputation of women in society – that they are clean and untainted. In Ancient Rome for example, white rose bushes were planted at the graves of deceased young women to indicate their virginity and innocence.

White roses and funerals
White roses are versatile such that they can be used to celebrate happy occasions such as weddings, as stated above, or to offer condolences at a funeral. White roses are a symbol of honour, heavenliness, spiritual love and respect; which is why they are perfect to remember loved ones who have already passed on. White roses are also a symbol of a holy and spiritual union between the departed soul and God in heaven.

White roses as a religious symbol
The white rose holds a great significance to Christians. The white represents the Virgin Mary, who has often been referred to as the Mystical Rose of Heaven. The colour white in Christianity symbolizes light, innocence, purity, glory and joy – traits which embody the virtues of Virgin Mary.

The white rose is also said to have bloomed without any thorns in Paradise before the fall of Adam and Eve. Once again, this example shows that white roses signify innocence and purity.

White roses – a symbol of secrecy and loyalty
The white rose is also known as a symbol for confidentiality and fidelity as stated in the following examples:

Back in World War II, an anti-Nazi political group was set up by a group of students in Munich. Germany. This group, which upheld the ideals of political freedom, was called “The White Rose”.

The name “The White Rose” itself says a lot about the group. It symbolizes secrecy, since it could not have possibly been formed in the open during the Nazi Regime and also loyalty because the students remained true to what they stood for to their death. Most of the members of this group were killed off upon being discovered. Thus, the white rose can also signify purity of youth.

Still on a political example, the white rose holds a great significance during the War of the Roses which took place in England . It was said that the white rose signifies death to those who betray their word. This ties the meaning of the white rose to loyalty and trust as well.

Another example of the white rose being a symbol for secrecy would be the fact that during the medieval era, talking beneath a white rose was understood to indicate the confidential content and nature of the conversation.

Also, in the 16 th century, the Pope declared that a rose be carved in confession booths to symbolize confidentiality, secrecy and privacy.

Significance of white rose buds
White rosebuds, though they are essentially white roses that have yet to blossom, carry a different meaning to full-bloomed white roses.

White rosebuds are in fact a traditional symbol of girlhood and innocence. They represent young girls who have yet to reach adolescence. These rosebuds are an underlying symbol of one being too young for love or to be loved.

Such is the interesting significance and symbolism of white roses. Interesting isn't it, how something simple yet demurely beautiful like the white rose has such a rich and fascinating background?

About The Author
This article is written by Nuraishah from Streetdirectory Singapore.

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Significance of Purple Roses

Posted by FlowerAdvisor

Purple roses possess a distinctive beauty that is stunning and rare. You'd be wrapped with fascination and intrigue when you set your eyes on a beautiful purple rose, drawn to its mystical beauty.

Here at FlowerAdvisor, our beautiful purple roses are arranged delectably in hand bouquets and table arrangements. You'd certainly be spoilt for choice! However do you know the true meaning behind purple roses? Let's find out what message you would be sending out to your loved ones with these uniquely coloured roses.

Love at first sight
Purple roses have long been a symbol of falling in love at first sight. Purple roses are used to express the indescribable and beautiful feeling of falling in love with a stranger, in hopes that this stranger will be somebody very familiar in the near future. In short, a purple rose sends a message to the recipient that he/she is charming and simply irresistible to have enraptured the heart of the sender at the very first sight.

All things magical
Apart from being a symbol of love at first sight, purple roses also represent enchantment and all things magical. A fantasy, a wonder and impossibility – these are the things that purple roses stand for. And just like a dream, a fantasy is also fleeting and transcendental. Thus, although the aforementioned initial attraction may have carved a deep impression on the sender, there's no guarantee that this attraction would be permanent.

A royal colour
The colour purple has always been linked to royalty. Therefore it only makes sense that a purple rose symbolizes all things grand, glorious, majestic and opulent. Purple roses can also send out a message of an air of noble regality and pure splendour.

Symbol of discretion
During Lent, a time of discretion, purple is the colour worn by priests. This suggests an undertone of vigilant control. It also implies the need to proceed cautiously and slowly. Therefore purple roses could mean nobility and something sacred.

Now that you've discovered the true meaning behind the beautiful yet enchanting purple rose, you know exactly what to do the next time you fall in love at first sight!

About The Author
This article is written by Nuraishah from Streetdirectory Singapore.

Popular Search Tags: Flower Flowers Gift Basket Gifts Plants Presents Floral Baskets Bouquet
Lifestyle Popular Tags: Writing Arts Gambling Movies Automotive Wine Watches Golf Music Parenting

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