Showing posts with label wedding reception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding reception. Show all posts

Wedding Organizer Company

Posted by Sate Ayam on Thursday, June 25, 2009

Follow the steps outlined below to plan the seating chart for a Wedding Event & Wedding Party.
  1. Map out the room on a piece of poster board. Make sure to note the band or DJ, cake table, restrooms, dance floor, entrances/exits, and buffet table if applicable. Draw each table and the amount of seats that accompany each table. Talk to the event coordinator at the reception site and ask him/her how many people each table can sit comfortably.
  2. Decide whether the guests will be assigned to a table or a specific seat. A couple can specify that guests sit at a certain table number, and the guests can seat themselves where they choose to sit at that specific table. Or the couple can put place cards at each seat you can see Wedding Event Party & Wedding Organizer.
  3. Give each table a name or number. Some couples prefer to number the tables while some prefer to give each table a name that is personal to their relationship. For example, a couple that loves to travel may name each table a place that they have been together (Paris, Rome, Florida Keys, Wisconsin).
  4. Retrieve the pile of RSVPs and sort them, so all the “yes” responses are together. If there are some missing and it is past the date listed on the RSVP, then call those people and let them know that a final count is needed Wedding Event Party & Wedding Organizer.
  5. Count all the people that will be attending the event and make sure that there are enough seats available in the seating chart that you made above Wedding. If there aren’t enough seats, then another table may have to be added. If there are too many seats, then add more space in places that might be congested by decreasing the amount of tables in that area. Consult the Wedding coordinator for help.
  6. Begin to sort the guests using the RSVP cards to get a rough estimate of who should sit together. For example Wedding Event Organizer & Event Organizer, if the reception area can hold ten tables of eight, one would separate the RSVP cards into ten piles of eight. Couples should work together on this to make it easier.
  7. Once the RSVP cards have been sorted into the right amount of people per table, check each pile for elderly, small children, pregnant women, and anyone with a disability. Place those people at the top of the pile, so they can be given priority seating near the front and close to the bathrooms.
  8. Also, place family and close friends at the top of each pile, because they should be given priority you can call Wedding Event Organizer & Event Organizer to help you.
  9. Figure out how many children will be attending the Wedding Event & Wedding Party. Are there enough to have a children’s table? If the children are under the age of seven, they should probably sit with their parents.
  10. Place each pile of guests on a table on the seating chart composed on the poster board. Arrange them until each pile is on a table.
  11. Using a pencil (in case of last minute changes) print the name of each guest at his/her seat on the poster board. If assigning guests to tables and not seats, write their names inside the table.
More info you can see Wedding Event - Wedding Party - Wedding Event Party - Wedding Organizer - Wedding Event Organizer - Event Organizer - Wedding hanya di
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Tips Music Wedding

Posted by Sate Ayam on Friday, June 19, 2009

Menggunakan Live Music Wedding rasanya merupakan alternatif hiburan yang menyenangkan bagi pernikahan Anda. Rasanya alunan Music Band dimainkan hanya untuk merayakan kebahagiaan Anda raja dan ratu di hari bahagia. Untuk membuatnya tampil sempurna, pastikan Anda memastikan segalanya akan berjalan lancar. Namun, jangan lupa memperhatikan beberapa tips Live Music Wedding berikut ini

1. Tetapkan jenis Live Music dan lagu apa yang ingin dibawakan dalam pesta pernikahan Anda. Walaupun Anda sudah mempercayai kualitas dari sebuah tim musik, pastikan Anda mengetahui dengan pasti musik apa yang akan mereka bawakan di hari H. Permainan musik secara Live Music sangat mempengaruhi atmosfer di tengah pesta. Apabila Anda kurang yakin, konsultasikan kepada Wedding Organizer atau Music Wedding band pilihan Anda.

2. Pastikan lingkungan pesta Anda mendukung tim Music Band pilihan Anda. Khusus bagi Anda yang melaksanakan resepsi secara outdoor, sediakan tempat berteduh yang memadai bagi musisi. Karena cuaca panas atau angin terlampau kencang dapat mengganggu musisi..

3. Bagi pesta yang dilakukan dengan cara prasmanan, berikan jarak pada pemusik atau Music Wedding Anda dari sumber makanan. Ini dilakukan bukan supaya musisi Live Music Band tidak terpikat makanan selama pesta loh. Karena Anda harus ingat para undangan akan sering berkeliling di sekitar food stall. Oleh karena Wedding Music itu hal tersebut dilakukan supaya pemusik tidak terganggu dengan aktifitas para undangan yang hilir mudik. Bagi Anda yang melakukan pesta dengan konsep candlelight dinner tentunya akan membuat suasana yang agak redup. Pastikan musisi Anda membawa light stand untuk menolong mereka dalam memainkan Wedding Music.

4. Libatkan pemimpin dari tim musik pilihan Anda ketika melakukan Technical Meeting karena musisi Music Events Wedding & Live Music Events juga harus mengetahui rangkaian prosesi acara Anda dan hal-hal apa saja yang dapat terjadi.

5. Pastikan Music Events Wedding & Live Music Events tidak mengganggu ketika orang tua atau mempelai memberikan kata sambutan.

6. Pilihlah musisi yang telah terbiasa dengan suasana pernikahan. Mereka akan melakukan tugas mereka dengan baik kala prosesi berlangsung dan tidak akan panik bila terjadi perubahan yang mendadak. Musisi Live Music Band juga akan hadir tepat waktu dan mengetahui dengan pasti kostum yang pantas untuk dikenakan.

7. Lakukan antisipasi apabila Anda menggunakan jasa mereka melebihi batas waktu yang telah disepakati. Anda dapat mendiskusikannya terlebih dahulu dengan pemimpin dari tim musik Live Band tersebut.

8. Yang terakhir, bangunlah hubungan yang baik dengan para musisi Live Band. Mereka akan bekerja selama pesta Anda berlangsung. Alangkah baiknya bila Anda mempersiapkan apa yang mereka perlukan seperti makanan dan ruang untuk beristirahat.

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